Role Play

Interviewer:  So, Ms. Happy-No-Reason, are you daft? 
Ms. Happy:  Possibly.  Why do you ask?
Interviewer:  Well, you seem out of touch with reality.  Are you?
Ms. Happy:  I’m less and less so.  My reality is validated when there is agreement, not necessarily with me, but with the way others treat others.  I’m surrounding myself more and more with people who are in agreement with creating a new paradigm.  I’m shunning those who passionately stir up dissent.
Interviewer:  What do you mean?  Real is real. The outlook is grim.  Aren’t you keeping yourself out of touch?  Isn’t that the stance of an ostrich?
Ms. Happy:  Out of touch with what?  I want to be out of touch with those who dig divisiveness.  I want to separate myself from those who shout “Henny-Penny, the sky is falling!”
Interviewer:  Does that mean you’re one of those quirky Law of Attraction people?
Ms. Happy:  I understand that concept.  I gravitate toward people who realize resistance is futile, but not in Star Trek’s Borg-kind-of-way.  I only know what we resist, we pull toward ourselves.  What we resist persists.  Resisting holds resistance in place.  There seems to be an energetic dimension between cause and effect.  We cause to happen what we employ as our guidepost.  If we dwell on the need to correct all the wrongs of the world, we’ll get a whole lot of wrongs that need correcting.
Interviewer:  You sound like a Pollyanna.  So, in your way of thinking, government is unnecessary because government keeps the bad guys in check?
Ms. Happy:  Do they?  The politico-speak presently seems disruptive to order.  We should all have a voice, but voices should be talking dissent more softly, then speaking of finding the agreements more strongly.  Right and Left can find ways to agree to disagree without bashing each other. Taking the morally superior high ground only antagonizes, creating more antagonism.  Right + Left = Whole.
Interviewer:  Do you vote?
Ms. Happy:  Yes, of course.  But I feel my best influence is putting forth the energy of love as broadly as I am able.
Interviewer:  Excuse me, but you don’t seem to be any kind of widely known opinion leader.  How do you do that?
Ms. Happy:  I do it moment by moment by being in alignment with the truth at my core and by attending to an awareness of what is valuable.  If my core is off kilter, I have little to offer anyone.  If I know my own true worth at my core, I impart value without effort.  If my energy enhances another’s energy, it will have a ripple effect. We are all connected. 
Interviewer:  Good luck!
Ms. Happy:  Thank you.


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