Ponder No. 4
There are four seasons...
There's North, South, East, West...
Four is not a prime number, but it is uniquely elemental.
There are four bases in DNA: Thymine(T); Cytosine(C); Adenine(A); Guanine(G).
Each of these four are made up of four chemical elements: Hydrogen; Nitrogen; Oxygen; Carbon.
Tiptoeing tentatively, I offer this interview with Gregg Braden, author of The God Code, in which he connects the ancient Hebrew language to our own DNA. The last ten minutes of the interview touches on this topic.
Curiously, the Hebrew alphabet attaches a numerical value to each letter. The value of YHVH, the sacred name of God, represents hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Using this translation, God's name in Hebrew is Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen.
Human DNA is represented by YHVG. Carbon, the fourth element in DNA, is represented by the alpha-numeric Hebrew equivalent of G.
I've no apologies for sharing this fascination of mine with you.
Pythagoras said, "All is arranged according to number."
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