Heart Health
OK! So, I am metaphysical…
I know how we are all connected on dual planes of being. I’m not alone though…I’ll tell you how the scientific world explains it.
Like it or not, all organics share in a carbon/hydrogen composition.
Beyond the physical facts, and since the early 1940s, there’s proof of an aura of energy surrounding all entities as well. This energy was photographed with Kirlian technology.
A severed piece of a leaf remained in the photograph even after being removed. A digit of a human hand had been photographed similarly. Kirlian cameras could see the aura where the severed part once was.
Years later in the nineties, Dr. V.V. Poponin, a quantum physicist, explained more fully this phantom effect. He proved non-linear dynamics of DNA with experiments using sealed vacuum tubes. Placing DNA in a vacuum caused random photons to become orderly.
It gets curiouser and curiouser.
John Wheeler, a recipient of the Wolf Prize in Physics proposed, “everything physical… is information-theoretic in origin”. I’ll abbreviate the techno babble: An inter-play of thoughts are before theory, and theory is before substance. His doctrine was called 'It from bit'.
Another way of saying it: matter is compressed energy, information is patterned energy. Humans pattern with their thoughts. They, either knowingly or unknowingly, participate in the universe.
At the Institute of HeartMath, studies have shown a power in the human heart much more profound than simply pumping blood. There’s proof that the electromagnetic signals produced by your heart affects the brain waves of people around you. http://www.heartmath.org/
Gregg Braden, in quoting the ancients on prayer said, “One must feel the feeling as though the prayer is already answered.” www.greggbraden.com
In all of Braden’s publications, he pulls together the scientific data of today and compares it with the known data of the ancients. In his book, The Divine Matrix , Braden describes the electromagnetic web within and throughout our physical universe that communicates sans limits or boundaries.
Bottom line: It all falls back on us, on our own accountability, or our own ability to fathom the responsibility, a responsibility of connection.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
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