Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise. Proverbs 6:6 KJV The new biology , not yet in textbooks but still scientific fact, reveals how a human cell operates independently and collectively for optimum survival. Bruce Lipton , after decades of research in cellular biology, considers cells as "miniature humans." He speaks of "lessons from the Petri dish." One human is made up of more than 50 trillion individual cells. All of these cells are "smart" and actively seek out environmental conditions that promote survival. A single-celled organism "learns" survival is enhanced by becoming multicellular. Communities of cells are born. Communities of any kind must communicate to effectively survive. This new biology reveals how cells talk to one another much more through electromagnetic signals than through chemical ones. Biophysicist F. Weinhold asked: "When will chemistry textbooks begin to serve as aids, rathe...