
Showing posts from February, 2012

Political Hokus Pokus

It's claimed the only way to keep Science honest is by routinely integrating the old with the new. Science is designed to be updated constantly. Other organized systems could benefit from the same. Research into epigenetics  proves a human cell must operate both alone and collectively for optimum survival. Healthy cells seek out their best support and automatically shun toxic elements. They link and communicate with what helps, or shun what hurts. Communities of any kind, micro or macro, survive best when they communicate with each other with a common purpose. Humans, in political repartee, use negativity to divide. Hopes for cooperation, and ultimately longevity, get nixed in that process. This video illustrates how the ants innately know how to cooperate for a common good. An appropriate Bible verse, Proverbs 6:6, reads: Go to the ant, thou sluggard: consider her ways and be wise. I wish both Conservatives and Liberals would shun polarity and seek the commo...


What my neighbors do on Presidents' Day... Starting at Water's Edge Sky Light Sky Bright Banana River Cocoa Beach

Mind Music

Brain Waves Research

Tricking the Scammers

83-year-old woman plays trick on scammers This site will take you to an Indianapolis, IN news station. The story makes me cheer!

Love Comes...

                                                               ... softly like the dawn Gently exploding its vibrant hues i nto monumental day. Evolving Erasing Night's cold dark dearth Forever... Free Short Films - Inspirational Movies from SCC

Heart Strings

  “No medicine cures what happiness cannot.”   ―   Gabriel García Márquez

Love is...

Love is love and simply that! Not dressed and frilled for a Sunday Tea, Not conjured up for a holiday fair. It sings its own uncomplicated song. We hear its tune, or we do not. We learn its song, or sing off-key. Love is simply Love!