
Showing posts from September, 2009

Viewpoint of Dimension


Heart Songs and Group singing has been one of my constants as a soothing modality. It started in high school. Well, really it started in church with my parents. Whether participating or listening, I adore the sensation a choral group gives. Playing for Change is inspiring globally . Encore Vocal Arts are my hometown friends, some I've sung with in the past. "Evil men have no songs." Freidrich Nietzsche


Re-cycle Re-claim Re-create Re-connect

Divorce Ditty

Love is love and simply that! Not dressed and frilled for a Sunday tea, Not conjured up for a holiday fair. It sings its own uncomplicated song. We hear its tune, or we do not. We learn its song, or sing off key. Love is simply love. (composed while driving the Pasadena Fwy many moons ago)